
WWFUS- REDD+ Knowledge Sharing and Learning Consultant

WWF is currently seeking a consultant, or consultants, to carry on work either in part or as a whole, in support of the organization’s global Forest and Climate Programme’s knowledge sharing and learning work.

Terms of Reference


The purpose of this consultancy (consultancies) is a) assist WWF’s Forest and Climate Programme (FCP) to deliver specific REDD+ Knowledge Sharing and Learning (KS&L) activities through to June 31st, 2014 that support the programme’s strategic vision and goals, b) assess WWF’s REDD+ KS&L capacities and needs in order to deliver its forward-looking three-year strategy and c) develop a three-year REDD+ KS&L strategy and work plan based on the outcomes of the capacity/needs assessment and which support FCP’s overarching strategic vision and plan.


WWF’s Forest and Climate Programme works at both the global policy level and national/subnational level to influence and build capacity for REDD+ to deliver benefits to people and nature. REDD+ is a UN mechanism that is designed to financially reward nations for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation of their tropical forests in ways that improve the livelihood of the people that depend on the forests and in ways that conserve the biodiversity of the forest. KS&L is a key pillar of FCP’s strategy and work. FCP uses KS&L to build technical capacities through the sharing of technical knowledge, and also through the identification, capturing and sharing of experiential knowledge. FCP has developed specific tools to identify, capture and share knowledge including a REDD+ Learning Guide and Toolkit, online community and information sharing platform, regular webinar series, series of REDD+ Inspiring Practices, etc.



These are broken down based on the two identified outputs:

I. ACTIVITIES: Assist WWF’s Forest and Climate Programme (FCP) to deliver specific REDD+ Knowledge Sharing and Learning (KS&L) activities through to June 31st, 2014 that support the programme’s strategic vision and goals:

a.Workshops: Attend WWF hosted workshops and facilitate KS&L activities, including:

- Attend WWF, USGS, Global Canopy Program and IIASA tentatively planned south/south co-training community MRV workshop and facilitate special sessions for knowledge sharing and lessons learned gathering.

Timeline: Dates to be determined (between February and June 2014), tentatively planned to take place in Colombia

- Attend two FCP regional capacity building and/or strategy inception workshops and facilitate special sessions for knowledge sharing and lessons learned gathering.

Timeline: Dates to be determined (between February and June 2014). Tentatively planned to take place in Colombia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

- Attend and Facilitate FCP Communications/Learning team global meeting/workshop with outputs to include KSL capacity building of Communications staff, cross-learning, etc.

Timeline: Dates to be determined (between February and June 2014) – to take place in coordination with one FCP regional meeting.

b. Capacity Building: Work with the FCP leadership team to develop and facilitate key capacity building KS&L activities:

-Online learning: Develop and facilitate two virtual meetings for cross-learning of practices/south-south exchanges focusing on strengths and challenges of each landscape (possible topics: CMRV, land-use mapping, participation and safeguards, institutional arrangements, finance, benefit sharing).
Timeline: The specific meeting topics will be determined within three weeks of hire based on discussions with landscape teams. The sessions will be executed within three months of hire. Recordings of sessions will be produced and shared online within one week of session taking place.

c.Tools: Work with FCP leadership team to develop technical Knowledge sharing and learning tools:

- UNFCCC Visual REDD+ Maps: work with the Policy Directory and Communications Director to develop a mobile app or similar tool for the easy use of this tool by REDD+ practitioners around the world.
Timeline: Assignment starts February 3rd, with app due by March 31st, 2014.

II.ASSESSMENT: Assess WWF’s REDD+ KS&L capacities and needs in order to deliver its forward-looking three-year strategy based on input from relevant teams and review of currently available reports and documentation, both internal and external (including Learning Framework, Learning Guide and Toolkit, KS&L work plan, overall FCP strategy).
Timeline: The assessments will be carried out within one month of hire with the report due within six weeks of hire.

a.Carry out surveys of FCP’s KS&L capacities, capacities of key WWF national teams, capacities of key partners (governments, IPLC groups, etc. as needed and relevant).
Timeline: Identify relevant participants, draft survey questions, review documentation, and execute survey within three weeks of hire.

b.Carry out survey of FCP’s KS&L needs, needs of key WWF national teams, needs of key partners (governments, IPLC groups, etc. as needed and relevant) – forward looking in order to deliver the FCP three- year strategy.
Timeline: Identify relevant participants, draft survey questions and execute survey within three weeks of hire. Note, this can be combined with part a above.

c.Draft a report that outlines the results of the assessments and provides top line KS&L recommendations.
Timeline: Report will be delivered within eight weeks of hire.

III. STRATEGY: Develop a three-year REDD+ KS&L strategy and work plan based on the outcomes of the capacity/needs assessment and which support FCP’s overarching strategic vision and plan. KS&L strategy should be directly linked to the overarching FCP three-year strategy. Work plan should include clear and achievable activities that will drive significant impact.
Timeline: The draft strategy will be developed in consultation with the FCP team within four weeks of completion of Deliverable II; it will then go through a review process with the final strategy due by 30 April. The work plan will then be drafted in support of the strategy and in consultation with the FCP team by 30 May 2014.


•Experience and proven track record providing strategy expertise and guidance in the field of development-based knowledge sharing and learning;
•Demonstrated ability to write and communicate clearly and concisely;
•Demonstrated ability to produce knowledge sharing & learning information materials including identifying and gathering lessons learned;
•Experience working in an international, multi-cultural environment;
•Ability to think strategically while also having the ability to do the hands-on work required to meet the deliverables.


Individual consultants and consulting firms are invited to submit two-page proposals outlining their capacity to deliver the above deliverables either in part or wholly.

Each proposal should include:

•Some evidence of knowledge of the key issues and approach to strategic guidance;
•Samples of KS&L information materials produced;
•Updated CV;
•Daily rate and number of days proposed for the work;

Please submit to:
Pablo Gutman
Director, WWF Forest and Climate Programme

For more information about this proposal, please contact:
For more information on the work of WWF’s Forest and Climate team, visit www.panda.org/forestclimate