
Associate Analysts Open Briefing

Open Briefing is the world’s first civil society intelligence agency; an accessible platform for insight and analysis on key defence, security and foreign policy issues. We provide open source intelligence assessments and independent security briefings, so that a better informed civil society can properly engage with peace and security debates and influence positive policy developments in these areas. It’s the think tank that’s a little bit different.

We are a small organisation with a limited budget. In order to maintain and expand our activities we rely on the good will and hard work of a small group of people who want to make this project a success.

To increase our research capacity, we are recruiting associate analysts to support our different intelligence desks. This is a voluntary, remote work role, which can be easily fitted around your other commitments. It is only open to those with excellent research and analytical skills and demonstrable knowledge and experience in one or more of our issue or regional desk areas.

Focussing on their particular area of interest and concern, associate analysts:

  • Identify reliable sources to monitor, both online and real world.
  • Assess intelligence items, complete RC(C) assessments and file material and analysis on our website.
  • Provide commentary on items filed on our website.
  • Build our social networks by commenting on our Facebook page, suggesting sources to add to our desk Twitter lists, suggesting videos to add to our desk YouTube playlists, commenting on LinkedIn and other professional networks using your Open Briefing affiliation, and suggesting items to add to the digital library.
  • Peer review and help improve Open Briefing publications.
  • Associate analysts may also propose occasional briefing papers and ongoing research they wish to undertake for Open Briefing.

More information at http://www.openbriefing.org/about/associateanalysts/