
Looking for local partners in Liberia and Sri Lanka

ODI (Overseas Development Institute) has been invited to put together a proposal (due 13th Nov) to conduct research exploring the linkages between mental health, cultural norms and gender in post conflict situations. We aim to carry out the research in Liberia and Sri Lanka and as such are looking for potential partners (a local research institution or an individual) in both countries. Ideally the local partner should have qualitative and participatory expertise and been familiar with the themes to be researched. If we are successful, the study would start around April 2013 and run for approximately 2 years. We can provide more information to potentially interested candidates. Please do let us know and if you might be interested and have relevant experience. You can send your CV to Agnieszka Malachowska on a.malachowska@odi.org.uk . We look forward to hearing from you.