
Consultancy - Institutional Learning Process - 10 Years of Programme Experience on Child Protection in Albania

Terre des hommes has been operating in Albania since early 2000’s, starting operating projects on addressing child trafficking issues and gradually moving to contributing to the building of a national system of child protection in the country.
After 10 years of experiences in the country, and taking into consideration the amount of accumulated experience and overall contribution in the field of child protection and child rights in Albania, Terre des hommes Albania is seeking a consultant to conduct a capitalization of experiences and lead the institutional learning process to in order to analyse our experiences and facilitate collective learning based on these experiences.
From 2001 to 2012, gradually and strategically moving from an issue-based vertical intervention on cross-border child trafficking, Terre des hommes has extended its intervention towards a system-building approach and the mainstreaming of child trafficking issues into the development of more sustainable structures, coordination mechanisms and comprehensive strategies to create a basis for the protection of children from all forms of abuse, exploitation and trafficking. Looking retrospectively from the initial projects, this institutional learning exercise would particularly focus on the projects from TACT II 2006 to CPSN project 2012, in order to draw the lessons learned and good practices of strategy changes.
The purpose of this exercise will be to reflect, identify and document the mass of knowledge and lessons learned across the various programmes, from the beginning of its operations in Albania to the end of CPSN program, and transform it into institutional capital by using a systematic, reflective and participatory approach.
The results of the institutional learning exercise will be twofold:
  • Provide a synthetic and comprehensive document containing a descriptive history of programme evolvement, a summary of main achievements and impact across the years and consolidated and validated lessons learnt from the 10 years programme experience.
  • Offer a concrete example of implementation of a comprehensive CPS project analyzed and presented based on the institutional model of action of Tdh in order to spread tools, examples of interventions and lessons learned to all Tdh Delegations.
This exercise is expected to bring about a greater collective awareness among all key stakeholders involved in the process on the areas for change and ensure their participation in developing recommendations for improvement both at the programme and organizational level.
Timeframe: The final product of this institutional learning process has to be finalised no later than December 10th.
Required experience and skills of the consultant:
• Demonstrated experience in conducting such processes, particularly through participatory methodologies; • In-depth knowledge on child protection issues and system-building; • Social field related academic background; • Excellent analytical and report writing skills; • Outstanding level of English (the research is to be written in English)
All persons who work with Terre des hommes Foundation programs are obliged to respect the Tdh Child Protection Policy and Procedures (the policy will be communicated before signature of the contract with the selected applicant)
For further information, see attached TOR
How to apply:
The interested applicants should submit to Ms Blerta Spahiu (blerta.spahiu@tdhalbania.org) • A letter of Interest highlighting the related experiences (no more than 2 pages) • An English CV • Two writing samples in English, one of which being a similar work, highlighting the methodology used • An estimated budget for the consultancy;