
GRM International Agriculture Experts – West Africa

GRM International is a leading international professional services firm specializing in the provision of project design, management expertise and technical assistance to development projects for bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, governments and corporations. We assist developing regions globally to achieve sustainable economic growth and create a better future.
GRM international is seeking an expression of interest from qualified experts with a range of skills for upcoming agricultural and market development programmes in West Africa. These programmes will aim to improve agricultural market systems to work better for the poor, improving incomes and strengthening food security.
We are seeking candidates that can demonstrate strong contextual knowledge of West African agricultural markets and have technical expertise in one or more of the following areas:
  • smallholder agricultural production;
  • agricultural policy;
  • trade policy and regulation;
  • food security and nutrition-sensitive agriculture;
  • climate change and adaptation;
  • gender equality and women’s economic empowerment;
  • agrifinance for smallholder producers and SMEs; and
  • monitoring and evaluation.
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How to apply:
To apply for the role, please visit http://www.grminternational.com/jobs