
Project Officer - Section & on HIV & Health Education, Paris, France

Title: Project Officer
Domain: Education
Grade: P3
Organizational Unit: Section on HIV and Health Education Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
Duty Station: Paris, France
Type of contract: Project Appointment
Annual salary: With dependent: approx.107,285 USD Without dependent: approx.100,144 USD
Duration of contract: 1 year with possibility of extension depending on availability of funds and performance.
Deadline (midnight, Paris time): 22 January 2014
Application to be sent to: n.chat@unesco.org – CV Form to be used
I. Background
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a founding member and Cosponsor of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), is committed to supporting Member States to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. UNESCO's Strategy on HIV and AIDS (2011) highlights UNESCO's contribution to the Joint Programme including three strategic priorities: 1) building country capacity for effective and sustainable education responses to HIV; 2) strengthening comprehensive HIV and sexuality education; and 3) advancing gender equality and protecting human rights. All arms of the Organization are mobilized at the global, regional and country levels to take forward activities that are culturally appropriate, gender-transformative and evidence-based.
II. Duties and requirements
Under the authority of the Assistant Director General for Education, the overall supervision of the Director of the Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, and the direct supervision of the Chief of Section on HIV and Health Education the Project Officer will:
  1. Provide management and coordination support to UNESCO in its role as a UNAIDS cosponsor, working closely with the UNESCO Global Coordinator for HIV and AIDS and in the role of UNESCO Focal Point for HIV and AIDS, including preparation for meetings of the Global Coordinators, UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organisations (CCO), and the UNAIDS Cosponsor Evaluation Working Group (CEWG), and undertake follow-up actions with Cosponsors and the UNAIDS Secretariat, as needed and requested.
  2. Facilitate the smooth flow of information and good relationships among the Cosponsors, the Secretariat and UNESCO, with particular emphasis on preparation for UNAIDS meeting including Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), Global Coordinator and CEWG meetings, and with a strong focus on the Unified Budget Results Accountability Framework (UBRAF) process.
  3. Support proposal development, planning, monitoring and budgeting, working with colleagues in the Section on HIV and Health Education in the implementation of the Section workplan and budget, plus regional colleagues in the implementation of large regional and sub-regional projects, tracking spending against budget at agreed intervals and, in consultation with the Chief, providing feedback to budget holders and suggestions for the timely expenditure of funds.
  4. Coordinate UNESCO engagement in the UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) in close consultation with the UNESCO Global Coordinator, including providing budget analysis, drafting criteria for the work programming process, and delivering 'real-time' analysis of overall UNESCO regional, Sector and activity breakdowns.
  5. Other duties as assigned include the provision of programmatic back-up and support for special projects such as World AIDS Day and presentations, programme support to Programme Specialists and UNESCO HIV and AIDS Focal Points, as allocated by the Chief of Section.
Advanced university degree (equivalent to Masters) in education, social sciences, public health or a related field.
At least 4 years of relevant post qualification experience, which preferably includes two years at the regional/international level.
  • Familiarity with computer-based programme and budgeting systems.
  • Experience supporting budgeting, financial and narrative reporting, and workplanning
  • Excellent IT skills, including wordprocessing, database and web experience
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills including writing skills, ability to draft clear concise reports, tact and discretion
  • Ability to adapt to a range of projects and to work in a multicultural team
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to maintain good working relations with colleagues and staff at all levels within as well as outside the organization
  • Task- and results-oriented with ability to prioritise and organize work
Building Partnership, Teamwork, Client orientation, Communication, Creativity and Innovation, Technological Awareness, Result Based Management and Result Based Budgeting, Promoting Organizational Change and Development.
Excellent English with working knowledge of French
Additional academic or professional qualifications would be an advantage with a view to demonstrating combined experience and/or expertise both from an education and public health perspective, including in the areas of HIV and sexuality education, health education and related area
UNESCO's salaries are calculated in US dollars and exempt from income tax. They consist of a basic salary and a post adjustment which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station and exchange rates.
Other benefits include: 30 days annual leave, family allowance, home travel, education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. Please note that UNESCO is a non-smoking Organization.
To apply please send your application by email to Ms Nuria Chat, UNESCO - Section of HIV and Health Education email: n.chat@unesco.org or by mail to Ms Nuria Chat, Education Sector, UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07-SP, France. Candidates must send application letter and resume (CV Form to be used) in English. Application files will have to reach UNESCO Headquarters before 22 January 2014 (midnight Paris time)
Please note that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.