
Lecturer / Researcher in Irrigation Management, Netherlands

The Water Science and Engineering Departmentconducts research and provides post-graduate education and training to professionals in the fields of water resources assessment and control, hydraulic engineering, hydrology/hydrogeology, various fields related to aquatic ecosystems and limnology, irrigation and drainage, navigation and hydropower, port and coastal engineering, and floods, droughts and pollution. The department is organized into six scientific chair groups: 1) Hydrology and Water Resources, 2) Hydraulic Engineering – River Basin Development, 3) Land and Water Development, 4) Coastal Engineering and Port Development, 5) Freshwater Ecosystems, and 6) Flood Resilience, each headed by a professor. For this department we are looking for a Lecturer / Researcher in Irrigation Management.
The new staff member will join the Land and Water Development (LWD) Chair group, which is primarily concerned with education and research in agricultural water management for food security and sustainability; modernization and management of irrigation & drainage systems; and lowland development. The current staff of the LWD chair group anchors the teaching programme of a specialized MSc in Land and Water Development and leads research and capacity-development projects around the world.
We are looking for a new staff member with expertise in the field of agricultural water management and irrigation and drainage design and management. More specific expertise is welcomed in a variety of areas, including institutional and financial aspects of the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems; environmental impacts of water management for agriculture; new approaches to water management for food security and sustainability; and irrigation performance assessment. The new staff member will have teaching responsibilities in his/her area of expertise and will be expected to supervise MSc and PhD students and implement research and capacity development projects.
  • PhD degree in Irrigation or Agricultural Engineering, Water Resources Management or Agricultural Water Management.
  • Advanced skills in the design, management and modernization of irrigation & drainage systems.
  • In-depth interdisciplinary understanding of social, institutional, technical and biophysical aspects of water management for agriculture.
  • Knowledge of contemporary debates on water for food security, sustainable intensification of agriculture and access to water for poverty alleviation.
  • Proven ability to conduct research projects and a record of peer-reviewed publications.
  • Competency in project management and potential for new project and research grant acquisition.
  • University teaching experience, preferably at the post-graduate level.
  • Participation in teaching, research and/or capacity building projects in developing countries and countries in transition is an asset.
  • Affinity to working in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment.
  • Excellent command of the English language and preferably one additional international language such as Spanish or French.
  • Willingness to frequently travel and work abroad for short and medium term assignments.
Terms of employment
This position is, in principle, a permanent one, however, the first two contracts offered are always temporary, and only after 4 years a permanent contract will be considered. The position is based in Delft, The Netherlands. A competitive salary (scale 10/11) is offered depending on qualifications and experience in accordance with the conditions of employment for Dutch Universities. The appointment implies entry into the Netherlands' Civil Service Pension Fund (ABP). Candidates must be prepared to carry out long- and medium term missions abroad.
Information and application
Additional information can be obtained from the Chair Professor, Charlotte de Fraiture (T: +31 (0)152 151 734 or E: c.defraiture@unescoâ€ihe.org ) or Deputy Head of Department, Erik de Ruyter van Steveninck (T: +31 (0)152 151 777 or E: e.deruytervansteveninck@unesco-ihe.org).
Applications should be in English, should respond specifically to the requirements, and can be sent till 15th of July 2013 (closing date) including curriculum vitae, motivation letter, statement of teaching and research interests and experiences and the names and contact details of two contactable referees, to UNESCO-IHE, (as one PDF file with your family name as the filename), attn. Human Resource Management (E: vacancies@unesco-ihe.org ), PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands, stating vacancy-number 13-WSE-03.
We expect to interview potential candidates in end of August or beginning of September.
Reactions from staffing agencies and other 3rd parties are not appreciated.
Date published: 13 June 2013