
Seafarer Development Adviser

Location:Suva, Fiji
Job Code:12 56
# of openings:1


If you have previously applied for this role your application continues to remain under active consideration.
SPC is the Pacific Island region’s principal technical and scientific organisation. It delivers technical, scientific, research, policy and training support to Pacific Island countries and territories in public health, geoscience, agriculture, forestry, water resources, disaster management, fisheries, education (community, TVET, standards and assessment), statistics, transport, energy, ICT, media, human rights, gender, youth and culture. SPC was established in 1947 as an international organisation in 1947 and its working languages are English and French. Additional information is

available at www.spc.int.

In applying, candidates should be guided by SPC’s vision, mission and corporate values, the role and profile of the position and the key result areas and selection criteria.

SPC’s vision for the region is a secure and prosperous Pacific Community, whose people are educated and healthy and manage their resources in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable way.

Our mission is to help Pacific Island people position themselves to respond effectively to the challenges they face and make informed decisions about their future and the future they will leave for the generations that follow.

Our corporate values are underpinned by the principle of ‘making a positive difference in the lives of Pacific Island people – putting people first’. They include accountability, integrity, respect, transparency, sustainability, people-centredness, gender equality and cultural sensitivity.

Economic Development Division â€“ is based in Suva, Fiji and also has staff located in Noumea, Pohnpei, Majuro (Marshall Islands) and Palau. The Division became operational on 1 January 2010 and is led by the Director and supported by a Deputy Director (Energy), a Deputy Director (Transport) and a growing team of dedicated staff. The Director’s Office comprises multidisciplinary expertise to provide cross-cutting support to three programme areas; (i) Energy Programme, which was formed from the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission’s (SOPAC’s) energy programme and includes a petroleum advisory function; (ii) Pacific Information and Communication Technology Outreach (PICTO) Programme, which previously operated within SOPAC, and which links into SPC’s regional digital strategy component; and (iii) Transport Programme, which includes SPC’s former Regional Maritime Programme and an aviation component that complements the work of regional aviation organisations.

Transport Programme â€“ provides core services in maritime and aviation policy, planning, legislation and regulation; human resource capacity strengthening; coordination of professional networks; and advocacy of regional transport priorities at national, regional and international levels. The Pacific Plan identifies the importance of the transport sector and each development initiative mentions both aviation and maritime transport. Both modes of transport are vital to growth in economic areas such as tourism, fisheries and mining. The two industries face many of the same challenges in the Pacific, including large distances, low volumes, high fuel costs, large infrastructure development and maintenance costs, and an increasingly regulated operating environment.

In 2005, the Pacific Islands Maritime Association (PacMA) established the Safety Subcommittee to assist SPC with its work, utilising a skilled network of trained and experienced professionals willing to provide advice and support to the maritime transport sector throughout the region. Since then Pacific Island countries and territories have also restructured, attained compliance with IMO instruments, set up quality systems, are maintaining seafarer databases, have ship registration systems in place and operate offshore registries. The PacMA Safety Subcommittee supplements national capacity during busy periods and accords mentoring and exchange information on issues that affect each country.

The Pacific Countries Ports Association amended its constitution in 2010 to reflect the establishment of the Pacific Islands Maritime Transport Alliance with a broadened scope of membership, including maritime transport and related organisations, associations and other bodies, whether governmental, public or private, incorporated or unincorporated or individuals interested in supporting and promoting the objects of the Alliance. This alliance has been incorporated in Tonga under the Incorporated Societies Act (CAP. 28) with secretariat and treasury services provided by SPC’s Transport Programme.

The role â€“ The position is accountable to the Deputy Director Transport. This new role is responsible for coordinating and implementing regional seafarer development and training initiatives; creating and managing regional seafarer development projects; and assisting in monitoring, compliance and reporting activities in relation to the implementation of the IMO Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) for Seafarers Convention and the Framework for Action on Transport Services in Pacific Island countries and territories. The appointment is for three years, renewable subject to performance and funding availability.

The profile â€“ SPC seeks an experienced maritime trainer with a degree level qualification in seafarer training or maritime navigation and demonstrated experience as a ship master 500 gross tons or at senior ship officer level.  He/She will be a team player with exposure to navigation management processes as ship master greater than 500 gross tons or senior ship officer on foreign-going vessels; possess knowledge of STCW Manila Amendments; and have experience using computer software packages and simulator equipment. Attributes will include excellent communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively across SPC and with diverse stakeholders.

Key result areas â€“ The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate strong ability and/or potential to progress in the following four key result areas:

  1. Maritime training â€“ Collaborate with maritime stakeholders in Pacific Island countries and territories to assess maritime training needs and plan regional training initiatives; coordinate the review and development of SPC maritime training modules in conjunction with the Pacific Islands Maritime Association; train maritime training institute trainers using a portable navigation simulator and assist them in training seafarers to STCW standards; assist in developing maritime examination standards to meet the requirements of the STCW Manila Amendments; and facilitate maritime related training courses, workshops and seminars.

  1. Seafarer development and capacity building â€“ Explore potential employment and marketing opportunities for Pacific Island seafarers; develop content for producing advocacy and information material on enhancing seafarer training and development in Pacific Island countries and territories; develop funding proposals to advance new seafarer capacity building initiatives; and manage projects related to seafarer development in the region.

  1. Monitoring, compliance and reporting â€“ Provide support to meet maritime training reporting requirements, including data collection and storage; conduct regular analysis of training and seafarer statistics; assist in conducting maritime compliance audits in maritime training institutes; and assist with other maritime initiatives as directed.

  1. Develop and maintain relationships with diverse stakeholders â€“ Maintain collaborative working relationships across SPC and strong links with member countries and territories and other relevant regional agencies and development partners.

Key selection criteria â€“ Candidates will be assessed against the following seven criteria:

  1. Innovation and analytical skills â€“ Able to generate new approaches; develop and support original solutions based on sound analysis.
  2. Results oriented problem solver â€“ Able to develop solutions to deliver tangible results for SPC, its members and other stakeholders.
  3. Influencing and relationship building skills â€“ Able to influence and guide others to achieve common goals; demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills; contribute to building productive team relationships and partnerships across the organisation and with its stakeholders.
  4. Qualifications â€“ A degree level qualification in seafarer training or maritime navigation and demonstrated experience as a ship master 500 gross tons or at senior ship officer level.  A qualification in maritime computer courses or simulation equipment would be advantageous.
  5. Technical expertise â€“ Demonstrated experience as a maritime trainer; exposure to navigation management processes as ship master greater than 500 gross tons or senior ship officer on foreign-going vessels; knowledge of STCW Manila Amendments; experience using computer software packages and simulator equipment; and experience working collaboratively on multidisciplinary team projects. Experience in coordinating and organising training courses, workshops and seminars would be advantageous.  
  6. Language skills – Proficiency in English, with a working knowledge of French being an advantage.
  7. Cultural awareness â€“ Cultural sensitivity and demonstrated understanding of developing countries, with experience in Pacific Island countries and territories being an advantage.
Remuneration â€“ The Seafarer Development Adviser is a Band 11 position within SPC’s 2013 salary scale, with a salary range of 2,666-3,998 SDR (Special Drawing Rights) per month, which currentlyconverts to approximately FJD 7,400–11,200 (USD 4,200-6,300; € 3,200-4,900). An offer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration being given to experience and qualifications. Progression within the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. Remuneration of expatriate SPC staff members is not subject to income tax in Fiji. From 1 January 2013 Fiji nationals employed by SPC in Fiji will no longer be exempted from income tax.

Benefits â€“ SPC provides a housing allowance of FJD 1,170–2,625 per month. An establishment and relocation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave, medical insurance and education allowances are available for eligible employees and their recognised dependants. Employees are entitled to: 25 days annual leave and 30 days sick leave per annum; life insurance; and access to SPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Application procedure â€“ The closing date for applications is Monday 7 January 2013Candidates MUST provide: a detailed curriculum vitae; a written response stating their claims against the seven key selection criteria; and contact details, including email addresses, for three referees.

Appointment â€“ SPC is an equal opportunity employer. Staff appointments are based on merit, without restriction as to nationality. Preference is given to Pacific Islanders, given equal merit, qualifications and experience.

Apply online â€“ Please use SPC’s online recruitment system at http://www.spc.int/job.html.

Important note: Prepare and save your curriculum vitae, response to key selection criteria and referee information as Microsoft Word documents BEFORE attempting to submit your application online. It is not possible to partially complete your application via the online system, save it and return to complete later.

Can’t access the online recruitment system? Apply via email: recruit@spc.int; fax: +687 26 38 18 or post: Sally Clark Herrmann, Recruitment and Staff Development Officer, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, P.O. Box D5, 98848 NOUMEA CEDEX, New Caledonia.

Need assistance? Contact Sally in confidence, at sallyh@spc.int or telephone +687 26 01 40.

BACKGROUND â€“ SPC employs over 570 staff and is headquartered in Noumea, New Caledonia, with offices in Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands. SPC has 26 member countries and territories including 22 Pacific Island countries and territories and its founding members Australia, France, New Zealand and United States of America, which contribute a large proportion of its funding. Other major development partners include the European Union, Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, United Nations agencies, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and Global Environment Facility, to name a few.

SPC is led by the Director-General supported by two deputy directors-general and the directors of its technical divisions – Applied Geoscience and Technology; Economic Development; Education, Training and Human Development; Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems; Land Resources; and Public Health. SPC also has a statistical programme, a strategic engagement, policy and planning facility and an operations and management division.