
Robert Bosch Stiftung EU Journalism Fellowship 2013

In 2011, Fondation EurActiv and the Robert Bosch Stiftung launched an innovative training programme to help young journalists gain experience in European Union policies. The third edition of this programme will run fromSpring 2013 and applications are now open.
The programme is set up as follows:
  1. Phase I: One-week seminar in Brussels for 12 selected journalists (11 to 15 March 2013)
  2. Phase II: Five week work experience in Brussels for 6 out of 12 of those journalists, including a visit to a Strasbourg parliament session. (Group 1: 22 April to 26 May 2013 and Group II: 03 June to 07 July 2013)
The Brussels seminar (phase I) will give participants the opportunity to discover the main parts of the European Institutions, participate in a press conference and meet foreign correspondents focused on EU policies. Through training sessions, participants will get a first understanding of ‘how to turn EU stories local – and local stories European’ and how to ‘source the EU’. Other topical issues concerning the most significant European policy areas will be brought closer to the fellows through presentations by and discussions with international experts on the subject.
Based on journalists’ active participation, their basic understanding of EU institutions and policy making, their capacity to find relevant angles to story ideas and their networking capacities shown during the seminar, six journalists will be selected for the phase II: a five week work experience with Fondation EurActiv in Brussels.
This intense training phase will provide a unique opportunity to live and breathe EU journalism right in the centre of Europe within a team of experienced, international reporters.
During the training weeks, journalists will continue to produce stories for their home media. They will have the chance to cover both areas of their own expertise (related to their home media) or unrelated policy areas if they wish. In addition, a guided trip to a Strasbourg European parliamentary week will be organised and the training period in Brussels should coincide with a EU Summit.
Regular coaching will be provided from the EurActiv’s managing editor, as well as external coaches from other Brussels based media. Journalists will continue to be employed by their sending media, which will benefit from their added EU reporting knowledge during and after the training. Journalists should be in very regular contact with their editors in order to integrate their story (ideas) into the daily work of the home media.
All twelve participants will become members of the EU Journalism alumni network, with regular updates and opportunities to work on EU related stories together with other journalists who have participated in the programme. An alumni networking event to meet all fellows of the first three years of the programme will be organized in Sept/Oct 2013.
Selection criteria: 
  • A minimum of THREE and no more than FIVE years of journalism experience
  • Currently employed by a media outside Brussels and full support of their employer to participate in the programme
  • Austrian, British, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French German, Greek,  Italian, Polish, Slovak or Spanish nationality
  • Availability for one week in March 2013 and 5 weeks as of 22 April or 03 June 2013
  • Strong interest in European issues
  • Very good oral and written English
To apply for this exciting journalistic experience, please apply by no later than 15 February 2013 with the following documents:
  • CV and motivation letter in English
  • Letter of reference from management of ‘sending’ media, clearly stating editor’s commitment to release journalists from physical presence in their media, while maintaining working relationship
  • Three published articles showing excellent writing in mother tongue, ideally including one with EU relevance
Please send all the above to selection@euractiv.com stating â€˜RBSG - EU Journalism Fellowship’ in the subject line.
Participants will be reimbursed for travel costs and living expenses in Brussels. Support in finding accommodation for the 5-week stay in Brussels will be given.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the training programme, please click here.
More information on the Robert Bosch Stiftung can be found at: http://www.bosch-stiftung.de/content/language1/html/31188.asp

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

15 Feb 2013