
Professor of Urban Development Management

Faculty/department Architecture & the Built Environment
Level PhD
Maximum employment Maximum of 38 hours per week (1 FTE)
Duration of contract 5 years initially with prospect of tenure
Salary scale â‚¬5003 to €7285 per month gross

Architecture & the Built Environment
In its 105 years of existence the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has built up a solid international reputation for training architects and urban planners and guiding doctoral students. With some 3,000 students and over 500 staff members, with around 230 FTEs devoted to academic positions, our faculty is one of the largest educational programmes of TU Delft and is one of the most prestigious architecture faculties in Europe. The faculty has long been known for providing a thorough design education and conducting research in the field of the built environment. Over 40 professors carry out work in a diverse range of academic areas, which together cover the entire field of the built environment. For more information, see bk.tudelft.nl.

Real Estate and Housing
The Department of Real Estate and Housing (RE&H) provides education and performs scientific research on the management of building processes and the demand for and supply of real estate. RE&H helps to meet the growing demand for building engineers with the necessary knowledge and skills relating to the management aspects of the initiation, development, design, and management of the built environment. The department has an annual MSc student intake of about 80.

Urban Development Management
The world is urbanising at an unprecedented rate. Cities and urban regions need to adapt to challenging environmental conditions and societal demands. Such adaptations often entail significant changes to the built environment, involving and affecting people and organisations near and far. Since the turn of the millennium, practices in northwestern Europe have become characterised by an integrated, area-based approach to urban questions. This approach, which has developed strongly in the Netherlands, is of interest to academics and practitioners around the globe – both for its process and its outcome. Today, it is widely seen as a promising tool for addressing some of the most pressing urban issues of our time, such as health care, energy, food, water, and climate change.

The huge challenges faced in cities and urban regions today make it both relevant and important to explore in what ways integrated, area-based approaches to urban questions may be understood and effectively implemented, and how they could in turn inspire other approaches, and vice versa. The new UDM chair within the RE&H Department is to expand on the scientific insights achieved thus far. It will also form a lasting, international, academic counterpart to the existing, Dutch practice-oriented chair in Urban Area Development within the department. A few staff members have already been preparing for this new chair and section.   

Job description
In this exciting position, you will be leading the UDM chair in pursuit of its mission: to develop useful academic concepts, tools and principles for the management of integrative, area-based development efforts in contemporary cities and urban regions. Your main research task will be to strengthen and expand the UDM programme within the Management and Innovation for the Built Environment (IMBE) framework. This means that you will be expected to initiate, acquire, and perform scientific research projects, to participate as a partner in national and international research consortia, and to publish in and edit (international) scientific journals and (national) professional media. In addition, you will also be expected to disseminate research results through the participation in and/or organisation of international conferences and seminars, and pursue societal impact by interacting with professional individuals, institutions and organisations. You will also actively recruit and supervise PhD students.

As full professor, you will lead the development, organisation, execution, and evaluation of parts of the educational programme within the faculty (BSc programme) and department (MSc programme). You will also supervise graduate students, and develop, organise, and participate in the post-experience MSc City Developer program, as well as in other post-academic courses and/or contract teaching. 

The applicant should be an internationally renowned expert in the field of urban planning and/or real estate. He or she should hold a doctorate obtained at an internationally recognised academic institution and have substantial research experience, both quantitative and qualitative, demonstrated through high-quality publications. Although the position has an emphatically international orientation – specifically Europe, the United States, and east Asia – an affinity for Dutch urban planning and development practice will be highly appreciated.

Applicants should display broad insight into the disciplines involved in the study of urban development projects, and their relation to other scientific disciplines. Experience in setting up and managing interdisciplinary research projects is required, along with a proven track record in acquisition of contract research and other externally funded research – specifically NWO and/or EU grants.

Conditions of employment
The position offered is a position for a period of five years with the prospect of a tenured position. TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
TU Delft sets specific standards for the English competency of the teaching staff. TU Delft offers training to improve English competency.
Inspiring, excellent education is our central aim. If you have less than five years of experience and have not yet obtained your teaching certificate, we allow you up to three years to complete this.

Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact Prof. Hans Wamelink, phone: +31 (0)15-2788704, e-mail: j.w.f.wamelink@tudelft.nl. RE&H Department Manager Jordi Kerkum can answer all questions regarding the application procedure, phone: +31 (0)15 2783200, e-mail: J.P.Kerkum@tudelft.nl. To apply, please send a detailed CV along with a letter of application before 12 May 2014 to Prof. Jeroen van den Hoven, HR-BK@tudelft.nl. Applicants are requested to submit a list of publications, details of five references, a resume and a statement of research, teaching and leadership. When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number BK2014-H01. A first round of interviews will be held on 2 July 2014 in Delft.

A position paper and a lecture are part of the selection procedure.
Enquiries from agencies are not appreciated.