
Alliance for Financial Inclusion Correspondence Consultant in Thailand

The Correspondence Consultant will coordinate the development, drafting, scheduling and distribution of AFI correspondence to members and partners across the AFI Network. The consultant will develop a system of planning and tracking for correspondence services to ensure that information is being delivered timely, effectively and efficiently. Responsibilities of the position include the following:
Coordination Assisting with the coordination of information for inclusion in official enquiries, responses or other correspondence to members and partners of the AFI Network; Drafting and revising official correspondence; Monitoring the turnaround and completion times of AFI correspondence information across each AFI section; Ensuring official responses are processed in accordance with AFI standards, protocols and within agreed timelines; Assisting with arrangement for and providing staff with training in the preparation of network correspondence, protocols and procedures; Assisting with the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of performance indicators; Maintaining and monitoring the file tracking system (CRM) and other information and knowledge systems used to meet correspondence objectives.
Research, Analysis and Problem Solving Conducts required research and analysis across the AFI organization for the preparation of correspondence; Analyses trends and provides advice aimed at improving the timeliness and quality of AFI correspondence including thedevelopment and delivery of effective solutions to improve performance; Researches and analyses issues in order to improve correspondence policy, protocols and processes.
Required Outputs ï‚· Develop an standard operating procedures for the management of AFI correspondence ï‚· Create and manage an internal calendar of office letter release dates ï‚· Draft common letter templates for use in general correspondence ï‚· Oversee the distribution process of Member and Partner correspondence ï‚· Provide an assessment report of AFI correspondence needs with recommendations for future action
Necessary qualifications ï‚· Highly developed and effective written, oral and interpersonal communication skills ï‚· Excellent drafting skills ï‚· Strong process management skills ï‚· Strong eye for detail ï‚· Ability to work effectively across diverse teams ï‚· Ability to work effectively under pressure ï‚· Knowledge of cultural working practices of other countries ï‚· Fluency in English (written and spoken). Working knowledge of French or Spanish would be a distinct advantage.
How to apply:
A resume and cover letter can be sent to AFI at : info@afi-global.org
Please put "Correspondence Consultant" in the subject line of the email.