

DG ECFIN strives to improve the economic wellbeing of the citizens of the EU - through policies designed to promote sustainable economic growth, a high level of employment, stable public finances and financial stability. The Directorate-General maintains close working relations with international organisations, like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with a view to promoting EU priorities and common positions and ensuring appropriate coordination of the Commission’s financial cooperation.
Your responsibilities:
  • Representing the EU at the EBRD’s Board of Directors as EU Executive Director;
  • Managing the EU constituency at the EBRD as well as supervising its financial resources and staff members;
  • Ensuring coordination of political relations between Commission and EBRD.
Your skills:
  • Extensive leadership ability and experience;
  • Very good knowledge of EU law and its decision-making processes;
  • Sound knowledge of financial market instruments, economic and corporate governance issues.
Please consult the Official Journal C 43 A of 14 February 2014 for the detailed vacancy notice as well as the eligibility and selection criteria.
The closing date for registration is 14 March 2014, 12.00 CET.