Gender Budgeting Consultant for Ministry of Public Health – Kabul, Afghanistan
Short Term Gender Budgeting Consultant for Ministry of Public Health – Kabul, Afghanistan – 45 input days
In Afghanistan, Futures Group is implementing the Health Policy Project (HPP), a global, 5-year cooperative agreement funded by USAID. HPP’s overall goal is to strengthen developing country national and sub-national policy, advocacy, and governance for strategic, equitable, and sustainable health programming. HPP focuses on key health issues—namely, family planning/reproductive health, HIV, and maternal health—while also promoting health systems strengthening and program integration.
Futures Group, through HPP Afghanistan, is providing technical support to MOPH Gender Directorate for implementation of its National Gender Strategy 2012-2016. The role of the MOPH’s Gender Directorate is to serve as a catalyst for ensuring the integration of gender-sensitive approaches, based on human rights principles, in health programs. The National Gender Strategy has four strategic directions. Part ofStrategic Direction 1 is to work with all MOPH programs to implement gender-sensitive activities to ensure that MOPH program and project budgets include funds to explicitly address gender issues (Strategic Objective 1.4).
We are currently hiring a consultant with experience in gender budgeting to assist the MOPH Gender Directorate in this activity.
Click hereto view the scope of work.
You will demonstrate:
- Past experience in gender budgeting (including its application and training), with preference given to those with experience in gender budgeting for health;
- A minimum of five years of experience in health sector, preferably in developing countries;
- Experience building the capacity of government a plus;
- Excellent written and spoken English language.
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sruti
To register your interest, please submit your CV through the GRM International Careers
Applications close on 12 May 2013.
In October 2011 GRM International and the Futures Group merged to become a major global force in development with approximately 90 current projects operating in more than 60 countries, and $225 million in revenue. The combined group has a multi sectoral focus, more diverse technical offerings and a wider geographic reach. We aim to be a world leader in everything we do whilst meeting the highest professional and ethical standards. By exceeding our clients’ expectations and creating value for them, we will create value for our shareholders and employees. To achieve this, we need consistent and sustainable growth.
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