
Country Logistician - Lebanon

Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.
Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.
Based in Beirut, under the direct responsibility of Emergency Head of Mission, you will be responsible for:
 Ensure the respect of HI and donor Logistics guidelines (management of purchase, stock, supply, equipment, vehicle) on Lebanon mission  Opening/shut down at logistical level any HI base in the country and ensure their regular maintenance  Ensure development of efficient logistics processes and communication channels inside the mission  Supervise and provide a logistical support to the different HI bases and projects run into the country by Emergency Response Department  Coordinate the logistics activities all over the mission by being in support and in close collaboration with the project staff and the support staff  Manage directly the logistics national staff under his/her line management  Report on regular basis about all logistics activities within the mission to the Emergency Head of Mission and the Logistics Department in HQ
REPRESENTATION  You are the direct interlocutor of Handicap International towards providers and companies, for all issue related to logistics and security in coordination with the other divisions of HI in Lebanon;  You participate actively to logistics and security coordination and information meetings (INGO security coordination meetings, etc.);
GENERAL COORDINATION  Setup coordination routine system (meetings, reports, situation points, etc.) to ensure a smooth diffusion of relevant information (logistics) at Lebanon mission level;  Provide logistics support and advice specifically to the Project team on regular basis. Frequent movement have to be expected between the different bases;  Ensure a pro-active link between the field (needs) and Logistics Coordination (needs & support) and play a continuous interface role;
PURCHASE MANAGEMENT  Ensure the respect of HI/Atlas (and donor if required) purchase procedure;  Identify and plan the Lebanon mission purchases in collaboration with the rest of the team (PM, Admin, Emergency Head of mission);  Ensure the quality of the purchase and the delivery deadlines;  Follow up the order/purchase until delivery;  Control the quantities ordered and received;  Ensure regular purchases follow up in close collaboration with the administration department for down payments and monthly budget follow up.
STOCKS MANAGEMENT  Ensure the respect of HI/Atlas (and donor if required) stock management procedure;  Provide regular inventory (monthly, quarterly, yearly) for the different items stored within the Lebanon mission;  Plan the stock supplying according to local constraints ;  In charge of the warehouse management and control system;  Ensure the security and the follow up of the equipment used on the Lebanon mission (identification, inventory, affectation);  Ensure the security and the follow up of the communication and IT equipments (and supplies) on the Lebanon mission (identification, inventory, affectation) ;
VEHICLE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE  Ensure the respect of HI/Atlas (and donor if required) vehicle management procedure;  Supervise the general follow up of the Lebanon mission vehicles (consummation checks, movement planning, etc.)  Ensure a regular maintenance on the different vehicle of the mission, setup appropriate maintenance contract with supplier or ensure an appropriate repair process with local technicians ;  Handle transport contract negotiation with suppliers and follow up;  Define the more relevant means of transport for goods delivery and process the administrative formalities related to (by road, by plane, by boat, etc.).
SECURITY MANAGEMENT  Ensure the respect of the security guideline adopted on the mission, the good functioning of the relative tools and process and the correct use and acknowledge from all the members of the mission (national & international staff) in close links with Emergency Head of Mission;  Work in close collaboration with the Emergency Head of Mission for all security issues (security guidelines updates, geopolitical follow up, incident reports and analysis);  Attend to interagency security meetings;  Ensure that every single incident is reported as fast as possible to the Emergency Head of Mission;
TEAM MANAGEMENT  You ensure strict application and respect of the Internal Regulation by your related staff. You can suggest to the administrator precision/adaptation of certain rules taking into account the specific context of the Lebanon mission (security, social life, leaves, etc.);  You define, with each member of your staff, his action plan and delay for reaching defined goals (IAP);  You support and advise your team in the implementation of their IAP;  You ensure feed back towards your team about issues potentially raised by them;  You ensure a good communication – coordination – information level of each member of your team through regular coordination meetings (or other if needed);  You are concerned and aware on the personal and professional evolution of each member of your staff, and its development within the mission : individual interviews, oral and written evaluations;  You ensure conflict resolution (personal and professional) within your team and inform the head of mission and the administrator;  You propose relevant needed adaptation to the organisational chart of the mission and contribute to its implementation (job descriptions, etc.), in collaboration with the Emergency Coordinator and the administrator;  You support your staff in their management duty: coordination meetings, individual interviews, etc.
REPORTING  Centralize all logistics information available on the mission and consolidate a monthly report (into the proper reporting form) to be delivered to the Emergency Head of Mission & the HQ Logistic Coordinator.  Participate to the monthly situation report (SITREP) by providing relevant data related to your position;  Provide regular reporting on your activities to the Emergency Head of Mission upon his/her solicitation (coordination meeting, workshop meeting, etc.);  You provide the desk officer with a mission report and/or handover document at the end of your contract;  Debriefing at HQ at the end of your mission (and during Home-Break).
How to apply:
Please send your CV and cover letter to Mariana ECHEVARRIA: officerh@handicap-international.org With the reference as title of your email your NAME/First Name/Position/Country AND click on this linklhttp://hi.profilsearch.com/recrute/fr/fo_annonce_voir.php?id=43&idparten...