
Engineering Study Manager - Mines & Refineries

    Temps plein
    Montréal, Quebec, Canada
    19 Jun 2013
Rio Tinto est un important groupe minier international dont le siège social est situĂ© au Royaume-Uni, regroupant Rio Tinto plc, sociĂ©tĂ© inscrite aux Bourses de Londres et de New York, et Rio Tinto Limited, sociĂ©tĂ© inscrite Ă  la Bourse d’Australie. Rio Tinto s’occupe de prospection, d’exploitation et de traitement de ressources minĂ©rales. Il produit principalement de l’aluminium, du cuivre, des diamants, de l’énergie (charbon et uranium), de l’or et des minĂ©raux industriels (borax, dioxyde de titane, sel et talc) et du minerai de fer. Bien que ses activitĂ©s soient d’envergure mondiale, Rio Tinto est solidement implantĂ© en Australie et en AmĂ©rique du Nord et possède d’importantes entreprises en AmĂ©rique du Sud, en Asie, en Europe et en Afrique australe. Pour obtenir plus d’informations, veuillez visiter le sitehttp://www.riotinto.com/.
Rio Tinto Alcan est le groupe de produits de l’aluminium de Rio Tinto, dont le siège social est Ă  MontrĂ©al, au Canada. S’appuyant sur plus d’un siècle d’expĂ©rience et d’expertise, Rio Tinto Alcan est le leader mondial de l’industrie de l’aluminium. Avec plus de 24 000 employĂ©s dans 27 pays, Rio Tinto Alcan est un fournisseur mondial de bauxite, d’alumine et d’aluminium de qualitĂ© supĂ©rieure. Sa technologie d’électrolyse AP est la rĂ©fĂ©rence dans l’industrie et sa position enviable en matière d’hydroĂ©lectricitĂ© lui offre d’importants avantages concurrentiels dans un monde de restrictions sur le carbone.
Le poste est actuellement en cours de traduction. En attendant, merci de vous rĂ©fĂ©rer Ă  la description en anglais ci-dessous :
RTA operations are divided into three (3) business units – Bauxite & Alumina, Primary Metal and Commercial – and four (4) functions: Finance, Human Resources & Health, Safety and Environment, Business Development and Technology.  RTA is a global supplier of bauxite, alumina and primary aluminium, with an annual production of 31.4 million tonnes of bauxite, 7.0 million tonnes of alumina and 2.2 million tonnes of aluminium (2012 ).
RTA posted revenue of US$10.1 billion and total net operating assets of US$20 billion (2012, including JVs). RTA has over 16 500 employees (prorated to share base ownership in JVs) and is active on 5 continents and in 27 countries (including R&D, Technology sales, equipment sales and other offices), with a significant presence in Australia, Canada and France.  Rio Tinto Alcan’s global headquarters is in Montreal, Canada.
RTA is currently in its second stage transformation of the business following the acquisition by Rio Tinto in October 2007, leveraging portfolio management, business improvement as well as modernization and growth in order to drive most assets into first and second quartile, with a clear path towards delivering a minimum of US$1 Billion of incremental EBITDA and 40% EBITDA margin by 2015.
Our Primary Metal business unit consists of smelters that use alumina to produce aluminium. We own, operate or have interests in 17 aluminium smelters (including 7 non-managed joint ventures) and 6 power generating plants. Our portfolio of joint ventures, with varying business models and structures, is located in Canada, Sweden, Cameroon, Norway, UK, and Oman.  Total combined sales of approximately US$1 billion and combined net assets of approximately US$1.5 billion. 

The Engineering study manager, mine and refineries principal duties include:
  • Lead bauxite and alumina studies from the engineering and asset delivery aspect during the study phase.
  • Ensure that study team receives all required engineering support
  • Ensure that study team progresses and develop the projects accordingly with RT requirements and governance processes.
  • Contribute to the development of organizational process assets (documentation support).
  • Assist project teams in understanding capital appropriation request.
  • Interface with technology development and research centres as necessary to support studies.
  • Manage the relationship with engineering service providers to guarantee efficient delivery into our projects.
  • Ensure interfaces and work-flows between different engineering providers are clearly defined and adhered to.
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