
Evaluation Specialists/ Economic Growth, Decentralization, and Workforce Development Specialists

Seeking Local Serbian and International Mid-Level Evaluation Specialists in the Economic Growth and Economic Policy Sectors
International Business and technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) is seeking team members to conduct performance evaluations of USAID/Serbia & Montenegro Business Enabling Project (BEP) and Sustainable Local Development Project (SLDP). The period of performance in two months, and the place of performance is Serbia.
Evaluation Specialist/ Program and Policy Analyst (Mid Level) - Master’s level degree preferred; at least 10 years of relevant sector experience. - S/he will serve as the expert on economic growth-related policy reform. - Must have excellent knowledge regarding economic growth-related policy reform challenges in countries in transition, along with familiarity with transitional economies - Documented experience in conducting performance evaluations highly preferred. - Experience in Serbia or the Balkans/Eastern Europe is preferred
Evaluation Specialist/Decentralization and Governance Analyst (Local Serbian, Mid Level) - S/he will serve as the local expert in local governance and decentralization and will support the team lead in team coordination and management. - Must have extensive and documented experience in conducting performance evaluations and at least 10 years of relevant development experience in the area of local governance and decentralization; - Must have experience evaluating activities related to local governance and decentralization (e.g., inter-municipal cooperation), local development, local associations, strategic planning at the local level, and municipal service delivery; - Experience in conducting assessments and evaluations of government and non-government institutions performance and familiarity with different funding mechanisms highly preferred.
Evaluation Team Member/Workforce Development Specialist/Youth Analyst (locally hired, Mid Level) - S/he will serve as the expert in youth development and will support the team lead in team coordination and management. - Master’s level degree preferred; at least 10 years of workforce development experience as well as experience in youth participation programming designed to expand youth employment through entrepreneurship; - Experience in program performance evaluation and knowledge related to youth business development, youth participation and youth services in the Balkan region highly preferred;
How to apply:
To Apply: Please send Curriculum Vitae (CV) by e-mail to: ikuzemkina@ibtci.com; Subject Line: Serbia Evaluation - “Position Title”