
Team of Junior Experts - Belize

Evaluation Objectives

This evaluation will provide the decision-makers in the Government of Belize, the relevant external co-operation services of the European Commission and the wider public with sufficient information to:
a) make an overall independent assessment about the performance of the project/ programme, paying particularly attention to the methods of delivery, and potential impact of the project actions against its objectives;
b) identify key lessons and to propose practical recommendations for follow-up actions in particular related to education components being designed under the BAM.

The evaluation team will be composed of two (2) experts with the following profiles and qualifications:

Common features:
- A solid and diversified experience in the field of Education, including experience in evaluation of projects (for at least 1 of the experts, including the Team Leader);
- Experience in the region (years of experience may vary per expert irrespective of their position on the team);
- Full working knowledge of English and excellent report writing,
- Fully conversant with the principles and working methods of project cycle management and EC aid delivery methods.;

Special features:
- At least 1 of the experts proposed should have solid knowledge of and practical experience with gender issues and gender integration analysis.

- At least 1 of the experts should have hands-on experience with environmental impact assessment techniques for projects.

- The composition of the team of experts should be balanced to enable complete coverage of the different aspects of project evaluation (evaluation methods and techniques) as set out in these terms of reference, including cross-cutting issues.

- The team as a whole should possess a sound level of knowledge and experience in Education.

Expert 1 Team Leader – Junior Expert
- The Team Leader will have a solid and diversified experience in the area of education and will have at least a post graduate degree in the area of education or social sciences.

- The Team Leader will be fully conversant with the principles and working methods of project cycle management and EC aid delivery methods.

- The Team Leader must have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience in the field of education working as project designer, Team Leader, evaluator or monitor.

- Knowledge of teacher training (in-service, distance education/online), school management and curriculum development.

- She/he will have experience of programme evaluation of at least one European Union project in the area of education in the last 4 years.

- The Team Leader will have experience in the evaluation of education programmes, in particular teacher training preferable in the Caribbean or Latin America.

- She/he will have excellent skills in order to interact with different types of people i.e. beneficiary, stakeholders, civil servants.

- Experience in EU funded programmes and administrative procedures

- Excellent report writing skills.

- Experience in education in rural areas would be considered an asset.

Expert 2: Junior Expert in the area of Education
- The Junior Expert will have at least a Bachelor in the Area of Education or Social Sciences. It would be considered an asset for the individual to have or participate in post-graduates studies in the field.

- She/he will have solid formation in data collecting activities (quantitative and qualitative)

- She/he will have the necessary skills in order to organize workshops with the beneficiary parts in the project and good command of in depth interview techniques.

- She/he will have very good communications skills.

- Language Requirements: excellent written and spoken English required

At least one of the experts should have a solid knowledge of and practical experience with gender issues and gender integration analysis.

When submitting your CV for this project, please specify the position you are interested in.

Please note that only short-listed experts will be contacted.

To apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to  aalcaldeedburgh.com