
Training of Trainers on Essential Newborn Care (ENBC)

UNICEF in collaboration with Ministry of Health and financial support from the European Union (EU) is implementing an MCH Project “Improvement of Mother and Child Health Services in Uzbekistan” phase II. The project has envisioned for improving the technical skills of health care providers especially on quality of care.
Overall Objective of the Phase II of the project is to support Uzbekistan in meeting the targets of the Millennium Development Goals numbers 4 and 5, with a focus on improving the quality of Mother and Child Health care. Project’s Specific Objective is to support the Ministry of Health to increase the quality of mother and child health services and to increase the capacity of families to make informed choices about health and nutrition.
The project will organize training activities according to the following packages: Newborn survival package (EPC, NR&ENBC, BFHI, NET, NMCR and BABIES); Child survival package (C-IMCI; P-IMCI; H-IMCI, GDM, BF); Health management training package (HMT). The Course Directors and trainers finalized updating of training materials and included the latest recommendations of WHO and UNICEF, and the most important issues related to utilization essential medical equipment.
Overall 13,000 health professionals will be trained during next two years, out of which around 1,190 obstetricians, neonatologists and midwives from maternities, perinatal centers and maternity wards. The project is going to build the national trainers capacity, around 47 health professionals from 6 regions of republic of Uzbekistan will be trained as trainers in 2013 by inviting international consultant. The ToT process will follow the UNICEF and WHO quality standards. The knowledge of trainers will be tested before and after training and a formal certification procedure will be followed. The newly trained trainers will work together with experienced trainers to strengthen their knowledge and skills so that they might work independently after approval of course directors. The trainers will be actively involved in the monitoring and evaluation activities of the project, including practices of healthcare providers and health behaviors in the local population.
In order to ensure quality preparation of the ToTs, based on new evidence based recommendations, there is need to hire an international expert.
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to national trainers to conduct 6 days training of trainers (ToT) course on Essential Newborn Care and prepare pool of trainers to be used for cascade trainings.
Tasks and duties:
  1. Review of the training guide and agenda for 6 days ToT on ENBC
  2. Work with course director and national trainers on preparation of ToT on ENBC.
  3. Conduct 6 days ToT on ENC for 24 future trainers.
  4. Prepare consultancy report with recommendations
  5. Perform other tasks within reason required by MoH and UNICEF supervisor.
The timeline for contract:
  • 10 working days (3 days for review of the ToT’s existing training package/modules and agenda; 6 days for conducting ToT and, and 1 day for final report preparation.
  • The contract is envisage starting in July, 2013.
Contract supervision
The specialist will work directly with ENBC course director the IMCH project staff in collaboration with the Team Leader and UNICEF Health Officer and under the supervision of Chief of Health section.
Duty station and official travels
Official travels will be to Tashkent, Uzbekistan and will be paid as per UNICEF’s financial regulations.
Qualifications/or specialized knowledge/experience required:
  • Advance University Degree in Health and/or Public Health with postgraduate degree in neonatology.
  • Solid analytical, result based planning and report writing skills.
  • At least 10 years of progressive professional experiences in the field of newborn health.
  • Good knowledge of UNICEF and WHO recommended tools and methodologies in field of newborn and child health.
  • Proven knowledge on the new born survival packages.
  • Experience in conducting trainings including ToT in field of newborn health.
  • Good communication skills in English.
  • Knowledge of Russian will be asset.
Medical clearance
Consultant is expected to work from home and in the office. The applicants (individual or institutional) shall be required to submit a statement of good health prior to commencement of work and to take full responsibility for the accuracy of that statement, including confirmation that they have been fully informed regarding inoculations required for the country or countries to which travel is authorized.
Consultants are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering the period of their services on behalf of UNICEF as they consider appropriate. Consultants are not eligible to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to United Nations staff members.
How to apply:
The application should be submitted by e-mail with CV and filled Personal History (P11), expected fee for the consultancy service to the following e-mail address: tshirvanova@unicef.org