
WaSH Coordinator Location: Amman, Jordan

WaSH Coordinator Location: Amman, Jordan Type of Contract: Global C1 - Fixed Term - 6 months Salary: £ 25,094 - 33,938 Job Profile OXFAM PURPOSE: To work with others to overcome poverty and suffering. Dimensions • •Will manage all aspects of the technical inputs into the programme, including technical assessments, technical designs, the implementation of technical components, monitoring of on-going work and budget monitoring. • Will matrix manage staff with specialist technical disciplines in water, sanitation and hygiene in Jordan, and liaise with Oxfam's Technical Advisors in the Humanitarian Department. • Set objectives with the Jordan Programme Manager, mainly related to the timeframe and quality of work in tandem with programme strategy. • Diverse and complex problem solving. Requiring professional knowledge, field experience and an understanding of both development and humanitarian work in a complex security environment. • Impact and influence will be within their own team but will also include other parts of their programme and the external public. • Planning will be initially short-term, but provision must be made for medium-term interventions. Providing specialist technical advice to one or more member of the line management, colleagues, supporters, and the public. • Assist the line managers to develop the technical team's objectives in line with the Jordan WASH strategy. Objectives contribute to regional strategy and can involve collaboration with other programmes. Regional strategy may need to be shared with the team. • Problems are diverse, complex and non-routine. • The role requires the ability to analyse and communicate complex information at a simpler level to a wider audience. • The role is variable with well-defined targets and/or minimum standards, and is both proactive and reactive. In-depth knowledge of the principles underlying the key purpose and role is required in order to make decisions affecting the team, which may impact more widely on the programme.
Key Responsibilities • To work closely with both the Public Health Promotion and Public Health Engineering Teams to plan, design and implement WASH programmes in response to the refugee crisis in Jordan. • To lead on the development of new WASH proposals, in partnership with the Public Health Teams, that are socially acceptable, environmental friendly, economically viable and sustainable in the Jordan refugee context. • To ensure that programming contributes to the integrated WASH strategy, partnership strategy and Oxfam PH Minimum requirements and to review and update these strategies as the situation evolves. • To represent Oxfam on technical and public health issues at the bi-monthly WASH Sector Meetings chaired by UNICEF at the national level. • To represent Oxfam on technical and public health issues to other NGO's, UN agencies, donors and Government authorities where requested, both at Governorate and National levels. Skills and Competence 1. Professional qualification in either water or sanitation engineering or in another public health related profession, backed by at least 5 years of practical experience.
2. Substantial, demonstrable experience of emergency and development work, and an understanding of relevant issues, particularly in the Middle East. 3. Willingness to be a part of, and closely work with a wider Oxfam public health family including public health promoters and food security and livelihood teams. 4. Experience and ability to work in insecure environments. 5. A proven ability to be a team player, and to provide strategic leadership. 6. A proven ability to lead and manage WASH teams in the field. 7. To be familiar with and abide by the NGO/Red Cross Code of Conduct, the People in Aid Code, SPHERE Minimum Standards, Oxfam International procedures and other regulatory codes/protocols. 8. A mature understanding of relevant issues derived from at least two years of field experience, preferably both in relief and development with an organisation similar to Oxfam. 9. Proven analytical skills and ability to think strategically, including the ability to think beyond the country programme context and to act within a regional framework. 10. Diplomacy, tact and negotiating skills. 11. Ability and willingness to travel extensively often in an insecure environment. 12. Sensitivity to cultural differences, and the ability to work in a wide variety of cultural contexts. 13. Good written and spoken English is essential. A good working knowledge of Arabic would be desirable. 14. Sympathy with the aims and objectives of Oxfam. 15. Commitment to humanitarian principles and action. 16. Commitment to equal opportunity and gender policies. Demonstrated experience in integrating gender and diversity issues into programmes.
How to apply:
To apply If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please download the full job description and apply online at www.oxfam.org.uk/jobs using REF INT6341. Closing date: (UK Time) 5 July 2013