


1. Background 

Farm Africa is an international non – governmental organization (NGO) working in remote and resource –
poor rural areas. Farm Africa has been implementing a Participatory Forest Management project in Manyara 
region for the last decade. Farm Africa is dedicated to pursue a process that will enable villages surrounding 
Nou Forest Reserve (about 29,000 ha) and other community forests in the area to access global carbon 
market finance or other forestry sustainable finance. The target areas are 10 villages to be under Community 
Based Forests and 23 villages to be involved in Joint Forest management in Babati and Mbulu Districts. 

2. Objective of the assignment 

The task is to design and conduct a comprehensive carbon stocks baseline assessment and qualification for 
the Nou Forest Ecosystem to support development of REDD PIN/PDD, so that carbon credits can be 
generated and sold to carbon buyers. More specific, the consultancy will lay out action plan needed to 
effectively link the forest users in Nou forest ecosystems to the international carbon markets. 
The consultancy will guide and train NOU Project team and other implementing partners by involving them in 
designing, collection, analysis, and quantification of carbon stocks. The consultancy will make use of satellite 
image analysis using free LANDSAT images. The consultancy in collaboration with project team will also 
perform carbon qualification assessment to recommend on areas suitability for REDD finance intervention. 

3. Deliverables: 

The consultant’s principal deliverables include a detailed report of assessment of carbon baseline scenario in 
the project area, the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems; carbon leakage (displacement of 
activities), leakage belts and leakage monitoring strategy; Land use/cover Change Report including a 
strategy on how to address the real drivers of Deforestation/Degradation, and compensation and a benefits 
sharing scheme strategy. The consultant will also prepare a Project Idea Note (PIN) based on the carbon 
qualification assessment as a basis for the project to design the carbon document (PDD) to be used to 
market project to potential investors. 

4. Technical requirements and Compliances 

Required consultant should have clear understanding of existing carbon markets and be able to provide 
guidance to project team in order for them to make appropriate decisions relating to the choice of carbon 
certification standard. All technical services to be offered by consultant including carbon measurements, 
analysis and reporting must comply with the methodology requirements of compliance and voluntary carbon 
markets as asserted by international approved guidelines and of the latest version of the IPCC and recent 
guidelines of the UNFCCC. The services may also consider other approved carbon standards such as 
TERRA global, Plan Vivo and Community Carbon and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS). 

5. Application procedure 

Applicant can be an individual or firm - with experience related to this assignment. Interested candidate/firm 
should submit a proposal featuring how he/she is going to do the assignment including CVs of main 
researcher (s). The 10 -15 pages proposal should give brief highlight on the following: 
  • Challenges (methodological) on validation and verification of REDD+ projects in Tanzania under compliance and voluntary carbon markets. 
  • Review of the latest international approved methodologies for carbon credits. A review of projects that have successfully achieved registration and are able to generate carbon credits 
  • Survey inventory methods and Sampling framework based on the participation of and benefits to 
  • rural communities. The consultant may justify the inclusion/exclusion of other carbon pools in addition to living above - ground biomass and living below ground biomass. 
  • The methodological procedures for pre-processing, classification, post classification processing, and accuracy assessment of the remotely sensed data. 
  • The methodological procedures for combining inventory data with remotely sensed data including a review of Allometric biomass equations so far constructed. 
  • Describe his/her knowledge of carbon developments, GIS, and remote sensing. 
  • The proposal should include fees and support budget, timeline and milestones in preparing and completing deliverables.

The deadline for the receipt of applications is 7th of July 2013. Please submit your applications through 
infotanzania@farm-africa.org. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further negotiations