
Culture, Education, Employment & Social Experts


Kantor Management Consultants is a leading management consultancy firm, with strong international presence. Our clients include major private companies, public enterprises, Governments, as well as the European Commission, the World Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. We have offices are in Athens, Brussels, Warsaw, Bucharest and Sofia.
Culture, Education, Employment & Social Experts
(Ref: CEES/0113)
EuropeAid Framework Contract (Ref: 132633/C/SER/Multi)
Kantor is participating in a tender for EuropeAid FWC Lot 9 – Culture, Education, Employment and Social and is actively seeking qualified Experts in all sub-sectors (Culture, Education, Vocational Education and Training, Labour Market and Employment, Information and Knowledge Economy, Social Inclusion and Protection, Poverty). Experts should be able to demonstrate at least 5 years of experience (junior experts) and more than 10 (senior experts) in one/ or more of the following fields:
  • A. Culture
    1. Culture (development policies, intercultural dialogue, cultural heritage, audio-visual, cultural industries and tourism)
    2. Mainstreaming of culture (cultural expressions in support to other sector planning and programming)
  • B. Education (formal and non-formal)
    1. All levels and types of education: early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, technical & vocational education and training (TVET), higher education
    2. Comprehensive sector policy design and development
    3. Education sector analysis and reform; education sector plan financing and implementation (MTEF, management of the education system, planning and programming, EMIS, governance, quality assurance)
    4. School management and teacher issues, curricula and learning materials at all levels
    5. Higher education (Degree and diploma programmes at universities, colleges and polytechnics; scholarships and inter-university cooperation programmes)
    6. Basic life skills for youth and adults (including literacy and numeracy training)
  • C. Vocational Education and Training - VET (formal and non-formal)
    1. School based TVET, advanced TVET
    2. VET sub-sector analysis, reform, management, vocational reform (including analysis and measures to strengthen the links between VET and the Labour market and to promote involvement of the private sector)
    3. National (or regional) Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), and Prior learning Recognition (PLR).
  • D. Labour Market and Employment (formal and non-formal)
    1. Structure and characteristics of the labour force (Labour force participation and trends; Characteristics of job seekers and job search procedures; Industrial, occupational, age, qualification and gender structure of employment and trends; Gender and regional growth of employment and trends; Part-time employment, short-term contracts and hours of work; Self-employment and employment in family enterprises; Employment in the public sector; Employment projections)
    2. Labour market settings/management, employment services and offices (Employment offices; Market share of public employment offices; Private employment offices; Other mechanisms of intermediation)
    3. Wage policy and labour market (Collective/sector agreements/conventions; Wages, productivity, inflation and unemployment; Changes in labour remuneration, productivity and unit labour costs in manufacturing and other sectors of the economy; Public/private sector salaries; Flexibility of labour remuneration in relation to productivity and unemployment; Efficiency of the process of wage determination)
    4. Social dialogue (Main statutes and laws governing industrial relations; Structure and organisation of labour unions; Labour-union participation; The employers’ organisations; Collective bargaining and collective agreements; Industrial action and procedures for resolving industrial disputes)
    5. Job creation (Incidence of job loss on various groups; Labour mobility and turnover)
  • E. Use of Information and Knowledge Economy
    1. Use of Information and Knowledge Economy
  • F. Social Inclusion and Protection (formal and informal)
    1. Social situation and impact analysis
    2. Social policy institutions and their management
    3. Pension policy, legislation, systems and reform
    4. Social inclusion and assistance policies and systems (Subsidies, cash transfers, special programmes for vulnerable and marginal groups e.g. the elderly, the disabled, female headed households, orphans, street children, etc.)
  • G. Poverty
    1. Poverty analysis and monitoring (including Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, stakeholder and final beneficiary analysis)
As a minimum, the expert is required to cover at least one of the following activities of the project cycle, namely:
  • a. Project design and implementation
  • b. Preparation of Terms of Reference (services) and technical annexes (works, supplies)
  • c. Evaluation of offers (Procurement)
  • d. Evaluation of grant proposals
  • e. Evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.), monitoring
  • f. (Cross-) sectoral policy analysis and reforms
  • g. Macroeconomics
  • h. Public financial management
  • i. Legislation, regulations and law enforcement, approximation of legislation
  • j. Institutional capacity development
  • k. Training and research
  • l. Awareness-raising, (incl. information and communication)
Previous experience in Technical Assistance assignments, funded by international donors, in one/ or more countries benefiting from EU external aid would be desirable.
If you find the above positions interesting, please send your Curriculum Vitae to associates@kantor-group.eu, quoting Ref: CEES/0113