

Kantor Management Consultants is a leading management consultancy firm, with strong international presence. Our clients include major private companies, public enterprises, Governments, as well as the European Commission, the World Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. We have offices are in Athens, Brussels, Warsaw, Bucharest and Sofia.
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Experts (Ref: EERE/0213)
Assistance with the Implementation of Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Credit Facility (WeBSEFF II)
Kantor has been shortlisted to participate in the final stage of a tender for the EBRD project Assistance with the Implementation of Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Credit Facility (WeBSEFF II). The objective of the project is to assist with the design, launch and implementation of a Sustainable Energy Credit Facility in selected countries of the Western Balkans (Bosnia, FYROM, Croatia, Serbia). The consultant will provide inter alia the following services: (i) Market the Facility (ii) Inform and raise awareness with municipalities (iii) Develop a pipeline of eligible projects and identify investment requirements (iv) Undertake preliminary technical screening of projects (v) Ensure that Grant Funds are applied consistently.
Kantor is actively seeking qualified Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Experts in the following fields:
  • Marketing
  • Finance and Economics
  • Procurement
  • Engineering
  • Previous experience in Technical Assistance assignments, funded by international donors, in South East Europe would be desirable.

      If you find the above positions interesting, please send your Curriculum Vitae to associates@kantor-group.eu, quoting Ref: EERE/0213