

Kantor Management Consultants is a leading management consultancy firm, with strong international presence. Our clients include major private companies, public enterprises, Governments, as well as the European Commission, the World Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. We have offices are in Athens, Brussels, Warsaw, Bucharest and Sofia.
Energy Experts (Ref: ENI/FWC4/1212)
EuropeAid Framework Contract (Ref:132633/C/SER/Multi)
Kantor is participating in a tender for EuropeAid FWC Lot 4 – Energy and Nuclear Safety and is actively seeking qualified Energy Experts in all energy sub-sectors (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy) for cooperation in the above tender. Experts should be able to demonstrate at least 5 years of experience (junior experts) and more than 10 (senior experts) in one/ or more of the following fields, in relation to the energy sector:
  • programme or project design and implementation
  • preparation of Terms of Reference & technical annexes and evaluation of offers for the procurement of service and works/ supplies contracts
  • evaluation of grant proposals
  • evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.) and monitoring
  • policy analysis and reforms
  • macroeconomics
  • public financial management
  • legislation, regulations and law enforcement, approximation of legislation
  • institutional capacity development
  • training and research
  • awareness-raising
Previous experience in Technical Assistance assignments, funded by international donors, in one/ or more countries benefiting from EU external aid would be desirable.
If you find the above positions interesting, please send your Curriculum Vitae to associates@kantor-group.eu, quoting Ref: ENI/FWC4/1212