
Heilbronn Research Fellowships University of Bristol

University of Bristol -School of Mathematics

Job number: ACAD100351
Closing date: 21st June 2013
Salary:  £34,223 - £44,607
Contract Type: Fixed-term contract staff
Work Hours 35.0 Hours per Week
Expected Start Date: 01/10/2013
Expected End Date: 30/09/2016
Job Type: Research and Teaching
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for one or more Research Fellowships in association with the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research. You will divide your time equally between your own research and the research programme of the Heilbronn Institute.
Fellows are likely to be working in Bristol during the fellowship, though may have the opportunity to work in London.
Research areas of interest include but are not restricted to number theory and algebraic geometry, algebra, combinatorics, probability, quantum information and statistical data mining.
The Fellowships will be for three years, with a preferred start date in October 2013, though another date may be possible by agreement.
Due to the nature of the Heilbronn Institute's work, you must satisfy vetting before appointment. UK resident UK nationals will normally be able to meet this condition: other potential applicants should consult the Director about their eligibility before applying. You may become a member of the USS pension scheme. Research expenses of at least £2,000 per annum will also be available.
There is a salary supplement of £3.5K pa, in recognition of the distinctive nature of these Fellowships. Payment of this supplement is conditional on a finished thesis having been accepted in final form, because we expect Heilbronn Fellows to hold PhDs before working at the Heilbronn Institute.
Enquiries about the fellowships may be addressed to Dr Oliver Johnson, School of Mathematics, telephone (+44)(0)117 928 8632, email: assoc-director-himr@bristol.ac.uk and enquiries about the work of the Heilbronn Institute may be addressed to the Director of the Institute, Professor Geoff Robinson, telephone (+44)(0)117 980 6303, email: G.R.Robinson@bristol.ac.uk
Applications should include a statement of proposed research (not more than one side of A4). Candidates should ask three referees to send references by the closing date (21st June 2013) to: Ms Chrystal Cherniwchan, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK Tel. (+44) 0117 331 5260 Email:chrystal.cherniwchan@bristol.ac.uk (It is a candidate's own responsibility to ensure that the reference letters are received by the closing date. These letters may be sent by email.)