
Training And Capacity Building Expert

Project title: Technical Assistance for ‘Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in the Tourism Sector

Brief description: The overall objective of the project is to increase the adaptability of employees and employers in an environment friendly manner to adjust to changes in economic circumstances and globalization by investing more in human capital for the sake of sustainable economic and social growth.

The purposes of the project are as follows:
  • to increase the quality and adaptability of employees and employers in the accommodation and food & beverage enterprises in the tourism sector which have MoCT ‘operation and investment licence’s;
  • to increase training and consultancy capacities of social partners, central and local public organizations/institutions in tourism sector.

The project will have the following components
  • Component 1: Awareness Raising Campaign
  • Component 2: Labour Force Analysis in the Tourism Sector
  • Component 3: Development of Training Programme and Establishment and Implementation of the “Voucher” Programme
  • Component 4: Establishment of Networking among Training Providers and Increasing their Training Capacities
  • Component 5: Increasing the Awareness on Green Star Certification and Establishment of Centres of Best Practice
  • Component 6: Development of an online database system

Commencement date of the project: November 2013

Qualifications and skills
- University degree in one of the fields of tourism, education, administrative sciences, social sciences or equivalent or in the absence of such a degree, at least 10 years of working experience in one of the fields: tourism, business management, public administration, training
- Good command of written and spoken English
- Full computer literacy

General professional experience:
- At least 5 years of training experience including design and implementation of trainings, including training of trainers
- At least 3 years of experience in the field of trainings in international donor funded projects, preferably in EU funded projects

Specific professional experience:
- Experience in at least one institution building / capacity development projects involving
employees and/or employers

Job description
The expert carrying out these activities will have the following responsibilities:
- Responsible for the design, planning and implementation of all activities regarding training
- Responsible for development and preparation of the training curricula and materials for the ToT trainings
- To guide MoCT during the selection of training topics, assessment of the quality of training curricula and training materials offered by training institutions under VP
- To ensure close cooperation with the beneficiary and all relevant stakeholders regarding training activities
- To guide and ensure coordination among and the training experts at local level regarding planning and delivering of the trainings
- To coordinate the organisation of study visits
- To undertake other tasks that will be assigned by the Team Leader who is responsible for the performing management activities
Organization Description
Human Dynamics is a leading European provider of consulting services for the public sector with more than 120 projects implemented in 30 countries worldwide. Currently, Human Dynamics and its 300 experts and consultants advise more than 40 ministries and public/government agencies worldwide. You are welcome on our website for more details: www.humandynamics.org