
Head of WHO Country Office, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The mission of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
Vacancy Notice No: EURO/13/FT85

Title: Head of WHO Country Office, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Grade: NO-C

Contract type: Fixed-Term Appointment

Duration of contract:  Two years (See Additional Information below)*
Date: 6 March 2013

Application Deadline: 20 March 2013
(11 day(s) until closing deadline)
Currently accepting applications

Duty Station:  Skopje, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organization unit: EURO Europe Regional Office (EU/RGO) /
EU/RDO Office of Regional Director (EU/RDO)
Country Relations and Communication (CCC), WHO Country Office in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Country Relations and Communication Team (CCC) in RD's Office provides strategic guidance to the Regional Office, under the policy direction of the Regional Director and in line with the Organization's corporate priorities, to ensure in-house coordination of country work. CCC facilitates, supports, and contributes to the coordination of all activities undertaken by the technical units in countries and works closely with the PAR team to ensure development of strategic partnerships at country level to the benefit of the WHO and the Member States. The CCC helps to coordinate and manage effective collaboration with Member States, with and without WHO country representation. The CCC is responsible for development, implementation and monitoring of the new WHO Regional Office for Europe's Country Strategy. The CCS coordinates the process of identification of strategic priorities for collaboration with Member States and is responsible for the preparation, and administration of the Biennial Collaborative Agreements.
CCC also ensures the implementation of the communication strategy and facilitates supports and contributes to the coordination of communication activities around the Regional Director and her Office as well as activities undertaken by the WHO country offices and assists the various technical units in delivering appropriate communication as expected from the communication strategy. It is also responsible for the development, smooth functioning and continuity of the EURO internal and external web sites.

Purpose of the Post:
The WHO Country Office is an integral part of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Its main role is to facilitate and coordinate all WHO activities at country level. This is done through facilitating the implementation of the Biennial Collaborative Agreement with the country and its corresponding work plan. The Head of WHO Country Office maintains good working relations and ensures two way flow of information exchange between the country and WHO. It also ensures proper functioning of the country office according to WHO rules and procedures.
Description of duties:
Under the guidance of the RD and EM CCC, the Head of WHO Country Office will have the following responsibilities:
  1. To facilitate, support and coordinate all WHO country activities undertaken by the technical units.
  2. To support the WHO Regional Office for Europe in strengthening WHO EURO's existing relations with Member State by liaising regularly with the Ministry of Health and other relevant national stakeholders.
  3. To ensure WHO visibility and coordination of activities with relevant national and international stakeholders.
  4. To ensure the quality and impact of the work of the WHO Europe in the country by being responsible for the development of respective country work plan and contributing information that will help to monitor, evaluate and adjust WHO's technical work in the country.
  5. To ensure the development and support the implementation of the country cooperation strategy and Biennial Collaborative Agreement.
  6. To be responsible for the operational direction and the effective co-ordination of all WHO activities at country level.
  7. To assist WHO Regional Office with the preparation and management of policy and technical events in the countries as required.
  8. Within the delegated authority given to the country office to ensure a smooth, reliable and efficient running of the day-to-day operations of the Office, including managerial, financial, administrative and security issues.
  9. To maintain contacts with local public institutions, information media, and other relevant stakeholders in the country in order to keep the Organization and its work in the public eye.
  10. To link with institutions and associations concerned with health, including non-governmental activities agencies and scientific bodies for exchange of information and coordination of activities.
  11. To facilitate provision of a technical assistance for the health sector development and promote an intersectoral approach to health issues.<
  12. To liaise regularly with the relevant national health authorities providing them with information concerning the resolutions of the WHO governing bodies, and initiatives that affect WHO activities in the country.
  13. To contribute to continuous updating of situational analysis and related health needs in the country.
  14. To assist in certifying the correct implementation of all tasks and activities carried out under WHO financing.
  15. To develop and maintain constructive partnerships relations with external partners active at country level, particularly with other UN Agencies.
  16. To help the Government to identify and coordinate available or potentially available external resources.
Essential: University degree in medicine, health related areas or social science.
Desirable: Master Degree in Public Health and/or health management.
Functional Skills and Knowledge:
Sound knowledge of the socio-political, economic and health situation in the country.

Competencies: see WHO Global Competencies model at http://www.who.int/employment/competencies/en/
  1. Producing Results: Effectively plans for oneself and delivers on time. Shares relevant information so others can effectively plan, produce quality work and deliver on time. While seeking guidance from and working under the supervision of the head of unit, works proactively and is driven by results.
  2. Building and promoting partnerships across the Organization: Identifies strategic partners within and outside the organization and maintains regular contacts with them. Monitors the situation and identifies windows of opportunities for developing new or strengthening existing relations. Respects others, behaves with tact and discretion with external partners. Works well in teams, exchanging views and opinions, sharing information.
  3. Fostering integration and teamwork: Able to work in a team, exchange views and ideas and share information with colleagues.
  4. Moving forward in a changing environment: Open to new ideas and new working methods, adapts positively to change, exchange views and opinions with colleagues. Able to work independently while understanding his/her limits.
  5. Communicating in a credible and effective way: Listens to others, expresses oneself clearly, produces clear and short written documents, shares information.
Essential: At least 5 years of relevant experience at the national level in managing health programmes.
Desirable: Experience within a UN organization. Experience with the management of projects.
Essential: A very good command of the English language and the local national language.
Desirable: Knowledge of other WHO Official languages.
Additional Information:
* Extension of appointment is subject to (a) satisfactory performance, (b) continued need for the function, and (c) availability of funds.

Similar positions at the same grade may be filled using this vacancy notice.

WHO has an on-line recruitment system, therefore ONLY applications submitted on-line at www.who.int/employment/en will be accepted.

This is a National Professional Officer position. Therefore, we only accept applications from nationals of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia . Please REFRAIN from applying if you are not a national of this country.

All on-line applications are automatically acknowledged. If you do not receive an e-mail within 24 hours confirming receipt of your application, you should verify your on-line profile. In case of repeated difficulties, contact by e-mail HrsRecruitment@euro.who.int indicating the vacancy title and number in the subject line.

A written test may be used as a screening tool. Long-listed candidates may be contacted to sit a written test or presentation prior to final short-listing. This does not preclude a written test or presentation as part of the final selection procedure.
Annual salary: (Net of tax)
Euro 34 759 at single rate
Euro 588 net per annum per child up to 6 with primary dependants

Online applications are strongly encouraged to enable WHO to store your profile in a permanent database. Please visit WHO's e-Recruitment website at: www.who.int/employment. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.