Rwanda Revenue Authority Jobs March 2013
The Rwanda Revenue Authority is seeking to recruit self-motivated and qualified employees of high integrity to fill the following posts :
1. Job title : IT officers (3 positions)
The Post is on Grade 5
Under the supervision of the senior engineer / database and applications, the IT officer/ applications development and database administration develops systems and ensures that all databases are well maintained and operating properly.
Main duties and Responsibilities :
Ability to understand an existing code base in order to analyze its behavior and make fixes or enhancement to it.
Be able to write a method given the desired behavior (inputs, outputs, pre-conditions and post-conditions).
Ability to determine what code is necessary to achieve some specified functionality, particularly the higher-level structure or organization of the code.
Have awareness of the software development life cycle
Ability to search for and evaluate libraries and frameworks based on how effectively they meet your need and the ability to integrate the chosen package into the software you are writing.
Ability to analyze the behavior of code to diagnose a problem and find the underlying cause.
Ability to effectively use modern IDEs and an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
Ability to carry out automated unit testing.
Ability to revise existing code without impact its functional behavior.
Job Specification :
Qualification : Bachelor’s degree in information systems, computer science or information technology.
Other abilities : Ability to communicate verbally and in writing Ability to work well with other in team setting, self discipline and personal.
Programming Language and database engines: Java, php, C-sharp, SQR, Oracle
2. Job title : Revenue Accountant
Under the supervision of the Team Leader, the Revenue Accountant receives government revenues and prepares daily revenue reports for all revenues collected. Additionally, he performs the following tasks :
The Post is on Grade 4
Main duties and Responsibilities :
Issues Revenue Receipt for cash received and distributes copies of the receipts basing on requirement of the processes and procedures manual.
Ensures safe custody of cash revenue collected for both used and unused Revenue Receipt Books which will all be kept in the Safe Cash Box which should be locked at all times.
On daily basis, establishes how much revenues have been recorded in the Revenue Receipt books, and reconciles with the actual cash collected.
Completes deposit slips for the revenues deposited with the bank.
Remits to the bank all the revenues collected in a day, on a daily basis. Under no circumstances should the banking be less than the revenues collected.
On a daily basis, he or she records the details on the Revenue Receipts in the Daily Revenue Reconciliation and the Daily Balance Reconciliation Sheet together with the details of the daily banking as required by the procedures manual.
Prepares Revenue Receipts and subsequently records in the DRR all the revenues deposited on Non Fiscal Revenue Accounts including the one in BNR
He/she maintains a record of both used and unused Receipt Book and reports promptly any discrepancies arising.
Ensure that all revenue reports including DRR, DBRS, Bank Deposit Slips and the green copy of revenue receipts are submitted to the Head of Revenue Monitoring Division on a daily basis.
Performs any other duties as may be required by the supervisor.
Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree in Public Finance, Accounting, Management with specialization in Finance / Accounting. Possession of a recognized level of professional qualification such as (ACCA, CPA etc) will be an added advantage.
Skills : computer skills ability to interpret and apply financial rules and regulations ability to follow specified procedures ability to make mathematical calculations ability to communicate ability to work under pressure report writing skills proven leadership ability and the ability to evaluate the work
Candidates should collect and fill the job application form from Human Resources and Administration Department or download it from RRA website
Candidates are required to forward a Job application letter, Job application form, a copy of national identity card, academic transcripts for the years covered and degree certificate to the Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue Authority, through the Director of Human Resource and Administration Department, not later than 25/03/2013 at 4:00 pm.
Director of Human Resources and Administration Department.
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